Scott Cain – Pulpit Minister
The Lord allowed Scott Cain to “marry up” when his college sweetheart Melissa said “I do” in 2003. God has blessed them with three sons: Walker was born in 2005, Tanner was born in 2007, and Hunter was born in 2008 while Scott was a student at the Memphis School of Preaching.
After graduating from the school of preaching in 2009, the Cain family served nearly 11 years with the DeGaulle Drive congregation in New Orleans, LA. They spent 2020-2021 with the Mercedes Drive congregation in Vance, AL. In February 2022, the Cain family returned to Forest Hill where Scott began serving as the pulpit minister.
Christ’s Great Commission has taken Scott to fourteen states and six foreign countries, with the whole family participating in mission efforts in both Hungary and Italy. While the Cains enjoy hunting and fishing, music and movies, hiking sticks and rip sticks, exotic cars and pickup trucks, their greatest love is God, and their most consistent family pastime is studying God’s Word together.

Evan Manning – Associate Minister
Evan Manning and his wife Mallory were married in 2018. They are surrounded by loving family members at Forest Hill Church of Christ where they have attended for many years. Evan is a 2013 Memphis School of Preaching graduate and worked prior in the health and fitness industry. Evan was raised in a godly household and attributes his success to his God who blesses him, his parents who reared him, and his loving wife Mallory who supports him. Evan and Mallory enjoy adventures of all kinds, whether it’s being on the other side of the world or right in their backyard. They also love taking their dog Amos on outings.